
China SIP Trunk Provider

China SIP trunk service providered by Goverment Service Provider & 3rd Service Provider

Only China Telecom / China Unicom / China Mobile has China phone number resources, while other third-party service provider numbers are obtained from three by wholesale sources

Government Telecom Service Provider

3rd Internet Telecom Service Provider

Provider China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile 3rd providers
Connection Public SIP / Private SIP Public SIP
Type Private individual using Shared together using
Phone bill Provider by telecom Provider by 3rd
Payment Postpaid Prepaid
Number Owner license end user company 3rd company
Applyment time 1-2 months 3-5 working days
City number for apply All city in china Specified city in china
Suggesting usage Microsoft Teams phone / Normal conversation Sales & Marketing call

China SIP Trunk Provider

Q: Who can provider SIP DID number in China?

A: China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile can provider SIP trunk. and also some 3rd provider can do SIP trunk.

Q: I have no china local company, can I get SIP number?

A: Sorry you can not get. According to china law, all phone number need registered under china local company.

Q: When I contact Telecom/Unicom, they told me that need so many days to apply SIP service.

A: We can help to push on the process with our resource, then you can use SIP number ASAP.

Q: When I search in web, why information about China SIP is so less?

A: Goverment SIP trunk service is open in 2018. Also SIP need technical skill. So only a few people can do this.

Q: Teleocm provider give me a list of SIP parameter, it is so complex, i have no idea to move on.

A: You need buy a SBC device to setup with the parameter you get. we can help you to do configuration.

Q: Can I forward SIP to remote office?

A: With CTS SIP server, you can forward local office SIP line to remote.

Q: How to check the number ownership?

A: Call 10000(telecom), 10010(unicom), 10086 (mobile), you can verify if number belong to you.

CTS China VOIP Consulting

Focus helping customer using VOIP phone system in china

CTS China VOIP Consulting

CTS China VOIP Consulting

China Shanghai Local, China Beijing Local, Support China Mainland

Room 215 Building 4,Focus Innovation Park ,No. 3599 Yuanjiang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai

Shanghai, China , 200000


Telephone: +86 21 33689396

Fax: +86 21 33689396

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